Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Meditation ;is by far, not easy, but with a few pointers and an "inner-guided" partner, it can be both fun, beneficial, and creative if the basic principles are met.
Of course, the prerequisite to beginning a meditation is to be stressed or
anxious and in need of relaxation and rejuvenation!
To start - grab a partner. The "best" suited partners for meditation exercises are 1) opposite genders 2) partners with soft voices/demeanors. It is very important to feel comfortable with this partner and to have at least one partner be informed how to meditate and be willing to guide this meditation fluidly. Then, partner one can infuence and teach partner two and a "meditation partnership" is created.
Creating an atmosphere is the next step to preparing to meditate. Once you have a partner, try to create the most relaxing environment as is possible. Relaxing settings include: Dim lights, candles, soft music, incense, or anything aromatic The best way to arrange positioning between partners is to use two chairs. Partners should be seated upright with their feet flat on the floor and they should be facing eachother.
The next important factor in meditation is the breath. Partners should focus their full attention on
breathing. Breaths should be slow and air should be taken through the nose and exhaled through the mouth. Eyes should be closed.
Start of Meditation with Your Partner (sample meditation with words):
Partner One: "Visualize a bright white ball of light shining on you like the sun. Now, visualize that loving and
healing light coming down on you through the top of your head."
Partner Two: Partner two's concentration should be on breathing, visualizing and feeling the "white light."
Partner One: "Now, make the light go through every pore and cell of
your body from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet."
Partner Two: Partner two should be trying to feel the white light surrounding and entering them and should also be visualizing positive images and thinking good thoughts.
Partner One: "You can call upon this light as much as you need-it will always serve you and renew you. See the light lifting you upwards into the sky, sun, clouds, etc
Partner Two: Partner two should be concentrating on the light and beginning to let thoughts, images, ideas and feelings emerge naturally. Color is very powerful and
healing and should be incorporated whenever possible in the images.
The length of the meditation may go on for as long as the partners can sit. However, if partner two is starting to feel uncomfortable or is in
pain, the meditation should come to a close at least for the first few meditations. Partners should switch places and partner should now get a chance to guide into a unique and relaxing meditation now that he/she is aware how it is done.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Healthy Eating ;
There is this age-old wise saying that will hold good forever - "You are what you eat". There is no denying the fact that a good nutritious diet will not only keep you healthy and radiant on the outside, but also ensure that your inner organs function well. Being a woman you need to make sure you do not lack a balanced nutritious diet as this can lead to health complications like heart diseases, stroke, and diabetes, osteoporosis or weight problems like being overweight or underweight. If you are pregnant, nutrition is even more important, because, now you have to eat for two - you and your baby.As a woman you play multiple roles; that of a sister, a friend, a homemaker or a mother. Hence, an adequate, well balanced nutritious diet along with regular physical activity is a prerequisite not only for your health but that of your loving family too. This portion will help you chart out your daily diet plan so that you do not miss out on the vital nutrients that are so essential when it comes to healthy eating.


Healthy Pragnancy ;
Pregnancy is a wonderful milestone in the life of a woman. It is an experience that you would like to nurture in your heart for a lifetime. It is a time when you will be overwhelmed with a variety of emotions ranging from the happiness of having become pregnant to the anxiety about the proper health, growth and development of your baby to be. Whether already pregnant or making preparations to get pregnant, it is quite natural that you will have many doubts and queries that will arise from time to time. Remember, your health is of prime importance to make sure you give your fetus a healthy start. A regular visit to your doctor is of primary importance to check for any prevailing conditions that need treatment such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or obesity. This section is exclusively devoted to serve as a guide to help you go through your 9 months of Healthy Pregnancy to the special day when your little bundle of joy will enter your life.


Healthy LOOKING . This seThe ression of your beauty as a woman is often based on a combination of inner beauty, which includes psychological factors such as intelligence, grace and charm and outer beauty, which includes physical factors, such as health, youthfulness and complexion.Inner beauty can be charm, intelligence or elegance, but there is another beauty that is conveniently ignored; the beauty of the inner physical body. Beauty is not in your skin alone; the beauty of your skin is derived from within.Many factors affect your appearance and natural beauty including diet, environment, stress level and physical, mental and emotional well-being. Your beauty and radiance depends largely on healthy internal nutrition for it is healthy nutrition that will pave the way for your looking ction will take you through some interesting facts and tips that will help you and your family glow with health.